The CEO of a company has historically been the driving force in overall strategy and vision. Same goes for all types of leadership, from CIOs to CFOs…all play an important role in advancing a company forward. The key here is “forward.” While the person in this position is important for a particular point in time, this role is static — a snapshot, if you will, of an organization’s success or failure at a fixed point in time. What’s most important is enduring business performance that stems from leadership culture as well as deliberate, well-thought-out development of leadership at every level.

The CEO Strategy

No one’s doubting the CEO’s role. However, research shows that the level of a particular company’s maturity in their leadership development has a far greater influence on their long-term performance than anything else, including individuals who fill the role of CEO, CFO or even CIO. So how do strong companies with an eye on the future choose CIOs, not just for their individual skill sets, but who will advance the company culture of success to endure in the future long after they’re gone?

  • They link leadership strategy to business strategy.
  • They make sure their leaders are aligned, coached, and trained in the company vision.
  • They build leadership development programs and select professionals based on their ability to drive the company’s strategy.
  • They incorporate leadership qualities into the corporate culture at all levels: managers, supervisors, etc.
  • They develop leaders from the bottom up.
  • They invest a lot of money in leadership development through training, seminars and workshops.
  • They create their own unique leadership model based on research, rather than hire a consultant or adopt an existing model.

Leadership endures, and is built right into the very core of a company. That way, when a CEO leaves and a new one takes over, the strategy is already lined up, waiting for continued implementation. Of course, every leader brings his or her own unique spins to the strategy, but the bones should be solid and built to last the test of time. CEOs are there to adopt the leadership culture, make changes as needed, and weed out areas of complacency. Their job is to be the catalyst behind a culture of working as one to perpetuate the goals of the organization. That means fostering teamwork and holding people accountable no matter which level they happen to be at.

Leadership and Technology

Technology is one important sub-set of a company’s success. Without proper management across the board and over time, it can be difficult to drive effective change that lasts. When it comes specifically to CIO leadership as it pertains to technology to drive a company forward, the same principle applies. Strategies that ensure enduring long-term performance despite who’s sitting in the CIO seat include:

  • Clear definitions of requirements
  • Consultation with all team members on goals
  • Creation of specific and measurable goals
  • Regular tracking of progress

CIO recommends using the SMART acronym when setting goals for the long term designed to transcend individual leaders:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time bound

Leadership Endures

In short, the success or failure of a company has more to do with strategy and vision for its long-term success than the individual. Clearly, there are innovative CEOs that propel a company to greatness, and then there are some very bad CEOs that damage that vision and set back the corporate culture; some companies bounce back from that and some don’t. The key is to establish a leadership strategy that can stay the course throughout the decades and that can weather any storm that may blow in. Good leadership endures the change of leaders.

Gwen WalshI have had the pleasure of working with Brian in several leadership-related capacities. He is a critical thinking, quick-learning, determined, impeccably organized and, above all else, people-centric CIO.

While Brian is certainly innovative, strategic, technology fluent, business savvy and customer care focused, watching him authentically connect with his team is simply inspiring. Albeit many leaders claim that their people are their #1 asset, spend just 5 minutes with Brian’s organization and you’ll soon discover that he is “the real deal” — in the eyes of his people. He has mastered the art of bringing out the very best in each person, appreciating their diversity and uniqueness, to where the sum of the whole is exponentially more powerful than its individual members.

What I also admire about Brian is his “can do”, break-through-all-obstacles attitude that is fueled by his energy, positivity, professional passion and capacity to take on herculean efforts because he is truly driven by a future of possibilities. I’m not in the least surprised that Brian continues to advance in his career via earned promotions and role expansions.  ~Gwen Walsh

Gwen Walsh Bio

Gwen Walsh approach is targeted — She helps C-Levels/Executives Reimagine, Reinvent and Rebrand to stay ahead of their competition, stay in touch with their customers and stay in high demand in a rapidly changing world.

As a former CIO/SVP/Partner of a global services firm with Fortune 500 experience, a current business owner of a thriving 13+ year consulting firm and a lifetime High Performing Achiever, Gwen has personally lived the pressures that C-Levels/Executives face. My mission is to position C-Levels/Executives for enduring professional and personal success and fulfillment. In doing so, Gwen assists her clients with conquering their most complex workplace needs and challenges plus leverage her innate branding and marketing capabilities to help them:

♦ Stay ahead of their competition
♦ Stay in touch with their customers
♦ Stay in high demand in a rapidly changing world

Gwen thanks all her Recommenders, Endorsers, and Clients for allowing her the opportunity to earn your trust, deliver as she has promised and revel in your many successes!