Confidence plays a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. When you boost your confidence, you can tackle challenges, express yourself better, and achieve your goals. But did you know that your physical health can have a significant impact on your confidence levels? Here we will explore seven health habits that will not only improve your overall health but also build your confidence. Let’s dive in!

1. Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and mind. Eating a variety of nutritious foods can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your mood, and increase your energy levels. All these factors contribute to a more confident you. Here are some tips for a balanced diet:

  • Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables: Aim for at least five servings per day.
  • Choose whole grains: Opt for brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa instead of refined grains.
  • Prioritize lean proteins: Include fish, poultry, beans, and tofu in your meals.
  • Limit processed and sugary foods: These can cause energy crashes and mood swings.

2. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity is vital for boosting your confidence. Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which help improve your mood and self-esteem. Additionally, regular exercise contributes to better sleep, increased energy levels, and weight management. To reap these benefits, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.

3. Adequate Sleep

Sleep is crucial for your mental and physical well-being and helps boost your confidence. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, decreased concentration, and low energy levels, all of which can negatively impact your confidence. To ensure optimal sleep, follow these tips:

  • Establish a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Engage in calming activities like reading, meditation, or a warm bath before bedtime.
  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light from screens can interfere with your sleep.
  • Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly environment: Keep it dark, cool, and quiet.

4. Massage

Regular massages can help you relax, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle tension. All of these benefits contribute to a more confident and resilient you. You can opt for professional massages or try self-massage techniques to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy. Incorporating massage into your routine can enhance your overall well-being and improve your self-esteem.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can have a profound impact on your mental health and confidence levels. Mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment, allowing you to acknowledge and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Meditation, on the other hand, helps reduce stress, improve focus, and promote self-awareness. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can develop a more positive and confident mindset.

6. Hydration

Proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being. Staying well-hydrated helps maintain your energy levels, supports brain function, and keeps your skin looking radiant. All these factors contribute to a confident and healthy you. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and remember that your hydration needs may increase with exercise or hot weather.

7. Social Connections

Maintaining strong social connections can help boost your confidence. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can provide a sense of belonging and help you develop a more optimistic outlook on life. Engage in activities that foster social connections, such as joining clubs, volunteering, or participating in group sports. Building a support network can significantly improve

7 Health Habits to Boost Your Confidence

Adopting these seven health habits – a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, massage, mindfulness and meditation, proper hydration, and nurturing social connections – can significantly boost your confidence. By prioritizing your well-being, both physically and mentally, you’ll foster a more positive and resilient mindset. Embrace these habits to not only improve your overall health, but also to unlock your full potential and confidently face life’s challenges.

In today’s digital age, personal branding has become increasingly important for professionals and entrepreneurs alike. As more people rely on the internet for information, having a personal website can be a game-changer for your career and business endeavors. In this blog, we will explore why having a website is crucial for building and maintaining a strong personal brand.

1. Establishing Your Online Presence

A website acts as the central hub for your online presence. By having your own domain, you can showcase your achievements, skills, and expertise all in one place. With a website, you can ensure that you are easily discoverable by potential clients, employers, and collaborators. This online presence will help you build credibility, which is essential for establishing a strong personal brand.

2. Controlling Your Narrative

Social media platforms offer limited control over your personal brand, as they dictate how your content is displayed and how people interact with it. A personal website, on the other hand, allows you to control the narrative around your brand. You can carefully curate the content and design elements to best represent your values, mission, and unique selling points. This level of control is crucial for shaping how others perceive you and for distinguishing yourself from the competition.

3. Showcasing Your Portfolio

A personal website is an excellent platform for showcasing your work, whether it be a portfolio of writing, design, photography, or any other creative pursuit. By having a dedicated space to display your achievements, you can effectively demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential clients or employers. Moreover, a website can be updated frequently, ensuring that your most recent and relevant work is always available for viewing.

4. Building Trust and Credibility

In a world where scams and misinformation are prevalent, having a professional website can help build trust with your target audience. A well-designed, informative website will show that you are a legitimate and credible professional. Additionally, providing valuable content, such as blog posts and articles, can further demonstrate your expertise and position you as an authority in your field. This trust and credibility will ultimately help strengthen your personal brand.

5. Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

A personal website can also serve as a networking tool, enabling you to connect with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators. By displaying your contact information and links to your social media profiles, you can create a platform for others to easily reach out to you. Furthermore, featuring testimonials from clients or colleagues can help reinforce your reputation and encourage others to work with you. A strong network is vital for personal brand growth and can lead to exciting opportunities for collaboration and career advancement.

6. Enhancing Your SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for ensuring that your personal brand is easily discoverable online. A well-designed and optimized website can improve your search engine rankings, making it more likely that people will find you when searching for relevant keywords. This increased visibility will help you reach a wider audience, which in turn will bolster your personal brand.

7. Customization and Adaptability

A personal website offers endless customization options, allowing you to adapt the design and content to suit your evolving needs and goals. As your career progresses, your personal brand will naturally evolve, and your website should reflect these changes. By regularly updating your website, you can ensure that your personal brand remains current and relevant, helping you stay ahead of the competition.

Your Personal Brand

In summary, having a personal website is essential for building and maintaining a strong personal brand. It allows you to establish an online presence, control your narrative, showcase your portfolio, build trust and credibility, network with other professionals, enhance your SEO, and adapt your brand as your career evolves. By investing time and effort into creating a professional website, you can set yourself apart from the competition and pave the way.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has led to a heated debate about its impact on employment. On one hand, AI has the potential to automate many tasks, freeing up workers to focus on higher-level tasks, and increasing efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, there is a fear that AI technology will eventually replace human workers altogether, leading to widespread unemployment.

AI Technology

One of the key advantages of AI technology is its ability to automate routine and repetitive tasks. For example, AI algorithms can be used to process large amounts of data and make predictions based on that data, reducing the need for human intervention. In industries such as finance and customer service, AI has already been implemented to automate processes such as account reconciliation and customer service inquiries. This has led to increased efficiency and productivity, as well as improved accuracy and reduced errors.

However, while AI may automate certain tasks, it is unlikely to replace all human workers. This is because AI is still limited in its ability to perform tasks that require creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. For example, AI algorithms may be able to analyze data and make predictions, but they lack the ability to understand the context and implications of that data in the same way a human can.

Furthermore, the impact of AI technology on employment will depend on the industry and the type of job in question. In some industries, such as manufacturing, AI may have a significant impact, leading to the automation of many manual tasks and the loss of low-skill jobs. In other industries, such as healthcare and education, AI is likely to have a more limited impact, as these industries require human interaction and empathy.

Speed of technology

Another factor that will determine the impact of AI on employment is the speed of technological advancement and the rate at which new jobs are created. While some jobs may be lost to automation, new jobs are also being created as a result of the growth of AI and other technological innovations. For example, the development of AI has led to the creation of new roles such as data scientists, AI engineers, and ethical AI consultants, who are responsible for developing and managing AI systems.

Additionally, the impact of AI on employment will depend on the level of education and training of the workforce. As AI takes over routine and repetitive tasks, workers will need to acquire new skills and knowledge to remain employable. This will require investment in education and training, as well as a willingness to learn and adapt.

It is also worth noting that the impact of AI on employment will not be uniform across all countries and regions. Developed countries with strong economies and well-educated populations are likely to be better equipped to adapt to the changes brought about by AI. In contrast, developing countries with weaker economies and less-educated populations may struggle to keep up, leading to increased unemployment and social unrest.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, while AI technology has the potential to automate many tasks, it is unlikely to replace all human workers. The impact of AI on employment will depend on a range of factors, including the industry, the type of job, the speed of technological advancement, the level of education and training of the workforce, and the economic and social conditions in different countries. As AI continues to evolve, it will be important for governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to ensure that its impact on employment is as positive as possible. This will require investment in education and training, as well as a willingness to adapt and embrace new technologies.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, leaders must constantly look for ways to stay ahead of the curve and leverage emerging technology to drive progress. As new technologies like artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and blockchain continue to emerge and evolve, leaders must be able to identify and capitalize on opportunities to improve their businesses.

Get in the know

One of the key ways leaders can leverage emerging technology for progress is by staying informed about the latest developments in their industry. This means regularly reading industry publications and attending conferences and events to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and innovations. Leaders should also invest in professional development opportunities, such as online courses and training programs, to acquire new skills and knowledge that can help them better understand and utilize emerging technologies.

Another important aspect of leveraging emerging technology for progress is creating a culture that encourages experimentation and innovation. This means providing employees with the resources and support they need to explore new ideas and technologies, and encouraging them to take risks and try new things. It also means creating an environment where failure is viewed as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a setback.

Emerging technology – AI

One of the most promising areas of emerging technology is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to improve a wide range of business processes, from automation and analytics to customer service and decision-making. To leverage this emerging technology for progress, leaders should start by identifying areas of their business that could benefit from AI, such as customer service or supply chain management. They can then invest in tools and platforms that can help them implement AI solutions, such as chatbots, predictive analytics, and natural language processing.

Another key emerging technology is the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology allows devices to communicate with each other and share data, which can lead to a wide range of new business opportunities. To leverage IoT for progress, leaders should consider investing in connected devices and platforms that can help them improve processes such as inventory management, logistics, and customer engagement. They should also explore the potential of IoT to create new revenue streams, such as by offering new products and services.

Blockchain is king

Blockchain is another technology that is starting to gain traction in various industries. This technology provides a secure and transparent way to manage transactions and data, and has the potential to revolutionize industries such as finance and logistics. To leverage blockchain for progress, leaders should research its potential use cases in their industry, and explore how it could be used to improve existing processes or create new business models.

It’s important to mention that with any new technology, there is also the possibility of uncertainty and disruptions. Leaders can mitigate risks by thoroughly researching the technology and its potential impact, and by developing a detailed plan for implementation that includes testing and a fallback strategy.

Finally, leaders should also be aware of the impact that emerging technology may have on the workforce. As automation and other technologies continue to evolve, they will likely lead to changes in the way work is done, and the skills that are required to do it. Leaders should be proactive in identifying and addressing any potential workforce disruptions, such as by investing in employee training and development programs, and by being open and transparent with employees about the changes that are coming.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, leveraging emerging technology for progress is crucial for leaders looking to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. By staying informed about the latest developments, creating a culture of experimentation and innovation, and investing in the right tools and platforms, leaders can tap into the power of emerging technologies to improve their business processes, create new revenue streams, and drive progress.

Emerging technology is constantly changing the way we live and work. It helps to drive innovation and makes it possible for us to do things we never thought possible. We are now able to connect with people all over the world, and access information instantaneously. And this is why emerging technology will help drive innovation-the future holds so much promise for us.

How emerging technology is changing the way we live and work

Emerging technology is changing the way we live and work in a number of ways. Perhaps the most obvious is that it is making it possible for us to connect with people all over the world. We can now communicate with anyone, anywhere, instantly. This has had a huge impact on the way we do business, as well as the way we interact with friends and family.

In addition, emerging technology is giving us access to information like never before. We can now find out about anything we want, anytime we want. This has made it possible for us to be more informed and make better decisions.

Finally, emerging technology is helping to drive innovation. By making it possible for us to do things we never thought possible, it is opening up new possibilities for businesses and individuals alike. This is the future of technology, and it holds so much promise for us.

This technology helps to drive innovation and make it possible for us to do things we never thought possible

Emerging technology is constantly changing the way we live and work. It helps to drive innovation and makes it possible for us to do things we never thought possible.

For example, consider the way we now connect with people all over the world. With social media, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. We can also access information instantly, which was once difficult or impossible to obtain.

And this is just the beginning. The future of technology holds so much promise for us. New advancements will continue to help us live better lives and work more efficiently. We can only imagine what the next decade will bring.

So if you’re wondering why emerging technology is so important, there’s your answer. It’s changing the world as we know it and making it possible for us to achieve things we never thought possible. Thanks to emerging technology, the sky is the limit!

The future of technology holds so much promise for us

The future of technology is looking very bright. Emerging technologies are helping to drive innovation and make it possible for us to do things we never thought possible. We are now able to connect with people all over the world, and access information instantaneously. And this is just the beginning-the future of technology holds so much promise for us.

Some of the most exciting emerging technologies include:

Virtual Reality- This technology is still in its infancy, but it has the potential to completely change the way we interact with the world. With virtual reality, we will be able to immerse ourselves in other cultures and experiences. We will also be able to use it for training and education purposes.

Augmented Reality- This technology is similar to virtual reality, but it allows us to interact with the real world as well. With augmented reality, we will be able to see information overlaid on our surroundings. For example, we could use it to get directions or find out more about a certain product.

Artificial Intelligence- This technology is becoming more and more advanced, and it has the potential to change the way we live and work. With artificial intelligence, we will be able to automate tasks and make better decisions. We will also be able to interact with computers in a more natural way.

These are just a few examples of the many emerging technologies that are helping to drive innovation. As you can see, the future of technology is looking very bright. So if you want to stay ahead of the curve, make sure to keep up with all the latest emerging technologies.

Emerging Technology is the answer

Emerging technology is constantly changing the way we live and work. It helps to drive innovation and makes it possible for us to do things we never thought possible. For example, consider the way we now connect with people all over the world. With social media, we can communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. We can also access information instantly, which was once difficult or impossible to obtain.

And this is just the beginning. The future of technology holds so much promise for us. New advancements will continue to help us live better lives and work more efficiently. We can only imagine what the next decade will bring.

The future of technology is looking very bright. Emerging technologies are helping to drive innovation and make it possible for us to do things we never thought possible. We are now able to connect with people all over the world, and access information instantaneously. And this is just the beginning-the future of technology holds so much promise for us.

If any year has demanded change, it’s this one. 2021 is coming at us fast, and with it, the need for change. The American people — and indeed those all over the world — took a beating in 2020 with a global pandemic that put everyone in the same storm, if not the same boat. There’s not much certainty as we head into a new year, but one thing is for sure: it’s time for change. If your plans to reinvent yourself were sidelined throughout much of last year, now’s time for change: tips for reinventing yourself; your chance to take the bull by the horns, declare war on the status quo, and say enough is enough.

Time for change

2021 is the year of your reinvention as a leader. And it starts now. OK…well, so how do you do it and where do you start? First, it’s important to note that reinvention is not just something that happens on New Year’s. It’s a constant building block that forms the very foundation of any good leader — year round. Things have changed. In past generations, there was always a consistent set of core skills and clear career paths that in essence acted like a road map for top executives and entrepreneurs. Do this, follow that path, and you will end up here.  

Not so today. This generation’s leaders are constantly revisiting their skills, re-investigating their aspirations, and reconstituting their careers, points out Coruzant. This can pose challenges if you tend to get caught in ruts and trapped in routines, avoid risk, and simply don’t like stepping out of your comfort zone. There’s no time like now to be reinventing yourself.

Reinvention of the leader is not always comfortable. It’s difficult, time consuming, and decidedly uncomfortable at times. But no leader was ever born who didn’t look discomfort in the face and vow to defeat it.   This begs the question: why do leaders always have to be mindful of reinventing themselves? Turbulence…shifting technologies…changing organizational structures…unpredictable markets…competition. All of these factors demands we pivot at a moment’s notice to branch off onto different paths. It’s not easy, but here are some tips to get you going.  

Why Reinvent Yourself?

Reinvention is key for many reasons:

  • It keeps you in the game: Embrace the changes that come with every new day and your perspective will change for the better because it becomes habit. You’ll soon tackle each day with renewed vigor to achieve the most you can each day.
  • It keeps you positive: It’s easy to become crippled with negativity, which is the result of being trapped with the same perspective. Approach new perspectives with zeal and you will be rewarded with a positive outlook on life.
  • It helps you push the envelope: The only limits you face are the ones you impose on yourself. Taking on new responsibilities and skills on a regular basis not only benefits you on a personal level, but it makes you a more effective leader and team member.
  • It redefines you: Redefining your goals and outlooks forces you to shift focus on the regular, bringing a fresh perspective to each new endeavor.
  • It keeps you on your toes: Boredom is born from an unstimulated mind. When you reinvent yourself as a leader, you’re constantly overflowing with new ideas, which keeps stale thinking at bay.

Tips to Hone Your Leadership Skills

  • Know Your Direction: Get inspired, do your research, read reports, watch videos, take note of all ideas that inspire you. Then define and hone your direction. Identify what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are, then build a plan that takes into account threats as well as opportunities.
  • Start learning: Create a list of the skills you want to achieve and number them in order of usefulness. The ones worth pursuing will involve learning something new. Whether that’s a new technology or a new language, you will need to embrace the certifications and training involved to get you there.
  • Develop a network of support: You’ll need people behind you for support as you take on new directions. Look for professional networks in your desired niche, find industry events, connect with others online, join pertinent sessions and exchange ideas, all of which will help you grow and hone your skills, says Forbes.
  • Keep reinventing yourself: Impactful leaders don’t stagnate. When you feel this happening, start the process over again.

In the end, leaders influence and inspire others around them. Putting into action what you have learned is essential to your reinvention. Like a muscle that gets insufficient use, leadership is not something you can commit to on January 1, polish it, and set it in a corner. It must be worked on, built on, and shared for it to have true worth for your organization, your network, and reinventing yourself.

Brian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on about “Enterprise Use Cases Abound for Virtual Reality Solutions“.

…and when it comes to sales, business team, and customer meetings, virtual reality solutions “reduce costs of sending people off site with the overhead of travel expenses,” says Brian E. Thomas (@DivergentCIO), CTO of Coruzant Technologies.

Virtual reality solutions should now be in the CIO’s bag of tricks. There are many use cases for emerging technology to be leveraged and integrated into the enterprise. The CIO’s role has expanded and is looked to be part of the strategic vision and planning.

Since the pandemic, VR have doubled in use and proved many traditional jobs and tasks can now be completed or facilitated by this technology. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Training and Simulation: Virtual Reality can be used for employee training, for example in hazardous industries such as construction or manufacturing, allowing employees to practice dangerous procedures in a safe and controlled environment.
  2. Product Design and Prototyping: VR can be used to create interactive 3D models and prototypes, allowing designers and engineers to see how their products will look and function before they are physically built.
  3. Remote Collaboration: VR technology can be used to create virtual meeting rooms and collaboration spaces, allowing team members in different locations to work together in a shared virtual environment.
  4. Marketing and Sales: VR can be used to create immersive experiences that engage customers and prospects, showcasing products, services and environments in a highly interactive and memorable way.
  5. Therapy and Mental Health: VR can be used in healthcare to provide patients with exposure therapy, helping them to overcome phobias, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
  6. Data Visualization: VR can be used to visualize and analyze complex data sets in 3D, allowing decision-makers to gain new insights and make informed decisions.

There’s a lot of focus on the negatives of COVID-19, and rightly so. This pandemic, wreaking havoc on America and the world for going on six months now, seems to have no end in sight, destroying businesses, interrupting education, and causing a whole host of secondary problems, from unemployment to alcoholism, to depression and isolation.

We’re not here to discount that. However, we propose there’s a silver lining to COVID-19, and it has to do with the skyrocketing advancement in innovation and technology. From this perspective, the novel coronavirus has propelled this industry to new heights in a matter of months as opposed to years.

The COVID-19 silver lining

Innovation is the process of translating an invention or idea into a service that will create value, one that is revenue-generating and self-sustaining. Scientists, clinicians, hardware and software developers, innovators, inventors, product designers, and economists in all industries have come together to work around problems, thereby helping the world and themselves, says Healthworld.

COVID-19 has spurred the use of drones and robots in hospitals, virtual care strategies that minimize in-person patient visits such as symptom-checking apps and virtual visits, and video technology to support communication between patients and families. And that’s just in the healthcare world, an industry on the front lines of the pandemic’s surge.

Technology didn’t just explode in healthcare; it’s exploding everywhere — right in your own backyard: the office.

Hybrid Working: A New Normal

One big consequence is the scale of innovation that is occurring in response to this pandemic. The sudden and swift onset and impact of COVID-19 on businesses of all kinds is unprecedented, creating a huge push for businesses to make key changes in order to survive. This innovation survival response may not look or feel like innovation as we know it. It’s painful at times, uncomfortable, to be sure. But no matter what drives it, it’s still innovation, and it still has to be embraced.

Nowhere has this become more evident than in board rooms, offices and companies around the country, particularly affecting leadership positions as we forge a new path through the fire. Stability is critical as we navigate this new normal, and it often originates from the highest levels.

When it comes to senior leadership: “The most important thing you can do is build the strongest team you can around you,” says Former Fortune 100 executive and Poly’s Chief Revenue Officer, Carl Wiese in Coruzant Technologies’ Digital Executive podcast. “If you have the right team on the bus, almost any problem they give you is pretty easy. If you have the wrong team on the bus, almost any problem they give you is really hard.”

Wiese shares his top tips for success as we emerge into the “next normal.” This includes an accelerated approach to digital transformation, the innovative technologies that will support a hybrid work environment, and navigating the future of work.

The things we have resisted for so long, such as cloud, video meetings, and collaboration, got blown away with COVID’s emergence on the scene. Suddenly, there was no longer a choice. Suddenly, those barriers that people were tripping over for so long were cast aside, as they continued to push through and execute critical plans.

Wiese suggests a three-phased model was born out of the COVID-19 pandemic: respond, redesign and reinvent.

1. Respond: Right when the pandemic first hit, the sole focus was triage and mitigation, with a sort-of “no way but through” mindset. You did what you had to do to stay operational.

2. Redesign: This is where true digital transformation happened, as leaders could finally take a breath, take stock of what was happening, and could see what the technology landscape would look like in three years. This is when things starting ramping up as everyone got their sea legs and gained a bit of perspective.

3. Reinvent: And now, we’ve settled into the third phase of asking ourselves: how do I innovate, what is driving key innovations, how can we push the limits of what’s possible, what will it mean to our business model, and what role will technology play in that going forward?

Breaking Down Barriers

The innovations that are created out of necessity may become lasting pillars of the businesses that helped it thrive well beyond the COVID-accelerated digital transformation by about three years.

Indeed, the pandemic is a reality check for businesses that so far had been reluctant to embrace digital transformation. In addition to the stress of their potentially health-compromised employees, a dramatic drop-off in demand coupled with economic uncertainty has sent companies scrambling to migrate their workforce to a virtual environment. But while fast and furious is the name of the game in regards to digital innovation, fast and frantic leads to mistakes, says BDO.

If there had been any lingering doubts as to the necessity of digital transformation to business longevity, COVID-19 has silenced them. Now, most interactions with customers and employees take place virtually, and operating digitally is the only way to stay in business through restricted activity and mandated shutdowns. Go digital or go dark. We need to look at the COVID-19 silver lining in all of this.

Role Technology Plays in the Shift

Technology is emerging into four distinct trends, according to Wiese, and it all has to do with the professional home environment. In the first 60 days of the pandemic, people simply just figured out what they needed, from headsets to HD video cameras, to setting up a purposeful place to work that wasn’t the kitchen table. In essence, they got it done because there was no time to second guess things. Those emerging four trends are:

1. Reality sets in that work from home is here to stay for many people around the country, and indeed the world.

2. As more and more people have returned to work, there’s a push for native app experiences, a “bring your own cloud environment” if you will. It’s a time of adjustment as teams try out a variety of different platforms that work for each of their clients.

3. With many people in a conference room together, even with social distancing measures in place, no one wants to be touching controls that others have repeatedly touched. This has led to a low touch environment embracing voice control, mobile interaction, AI, etc. for innovative ways to interact with the system.

4. A whole new level of immersion is here, in terms of collaboration of video and even intelligent system monitoring. So-called “smart” rooms or systems can detect when there are more than the recommended amount of people in a conference room at one time, alerting occupants that this number must be reduced for safety.

As we move forward during this time of uncertainty, one things remains certain: human ingenuity is at its best when in the face of global adversity, as we all work under pressure with a deadline of yesterday. The immediate threat of the pandemic will pass at some point, but it’s unlikely there will be a return to how things were before. Yes, the human and economic toll of COVID-19 is devastating, but some changes, such as this invigorated innovation mindset, are the COVID-19 silver lining in all this.

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Generation Z is certainly shaping the change in education, not just in in regards to a greater dependence on technology but also in the way they embrace social learning environments, becoming hands-on and directly involved in the learning process. According to Forbes, they expect on-demand services that are available at any time, with low barriers to access, and are more career-focused earlier on in their college careers than their earlier counterparts. Here we’ll explain where Generation Z learns about technology.

Generation Z learns

Before we get into the specifics, let’s take a few moments to define what Generation Z is. Generation Z, or Gen Z for short, is the generation that comes after Millennials. They were born between 1997 and 2012 and range in age from seven to 22. Check out this cool Pew Research chart that explains all the generations, starting with the Silent Generation from 1928 to 1945.

What’s unique for Generation Z is that they were born into a generation where technology has always been around for them. Indeed, they were never not exposed to technology, which has been a part of their lives from the very beginning. The iPhone launched in 2007, a time when the oldest Gen Zers were just 10 years old. By the time they hit their teens, these young Americans were primarily connecting with the web through mobile devices, WiFi and high-bandwidth cellular service. While Millennials saw the emergence of social media, constant connectivity and on-demand entertainment, these innovations evolved over time, which Millennials adapted to as they came of age. Those born after 1996 were ushered into this age as a matter of course.

Growing up in an “always on” technological environment has led to significant changes in youth behaviors, lifestyles and attitudes.

The Learning Process

There’s been a dramatic shift in the way in which Generation Z learns. Studies show that today’s students don’t have any interest in being passive learners. They don’t want to sit behind a desk, spew facts back at the teacher, memorize rote definitions for a test, and otherwise take a back seat to their educational journey. Rather, they want — demand, really — to be fully engaged in the learning process and become a unique part of it. In fact, these students thrive best when given the opportunity to have a fully immersive educational experience, with one study showing that 51 percent of students say they learn best by doing, whereas just 12 percent say they learn through listening. That majority also says they enjoy class discussions and interactive classroom environments rather than traditional teaching methods.

They have a preference towards engaging in a collaborative learning environment, to be sure, but it’s not limited to just in-person interactions. Gen Z is entirely comfortable learning alongside other students outside of the brick and mortar school building as they utilize digital tools such as Zoom, Skype and online forums to participate, connect and engage. This has never been truer than during the current pandemic, where everyone was thrust into a new online world of interactions.

But guess who was already there waiting to embrace the challenge and jump right in? That’s right, Gen Zers. They were well-positioned to thrive in a completely virtual environment because essentially they’ve been training for this day since they were born. Whereas Boomers and Gen Xers may have struggled with the new online reality, Gen Zers took it all in stride.

Because they are a digital generation, these students expect digital learning tools to be deeply integrated into their education. For them, technology is and always has been a fully integrated experience that pervades every aspect of their lives: why should education be any different? To that end, they wish to seamlessly connect their academic experiences to personal experiences via these same tools.

A Hyper-Connected World

According to Pew Research, just 14 percent of U.S. adults had access to the Internet in 1995, says Inc. By 2014, that number jumped to 87 percent. Generation Z came of age in the most accelerated and game-changing period of technological advancements in all of human history. But it goes beyond just the technology. It extends to a way of life, a constant connection to networks of people and information that almost acts of an extension of themselves.

Indeed, Generation Z are doers, contributors, and hackers of life and work. They gained a voice with mobile technology and on-demand connectivity that enabled them to streamline and systemize tasks and simplify complex problems because, well, there truly has always been “an app for that.”

Final thoughts

From TikTok to YouTube, kids and teens today are self-motivators, driven by a passion to make a mark in this world. Going back to the title: where does Generation Z learn about technology? The answer is: everywhere. It’s a pervasive way of thinking that doesn’t elude them, is always in the background and is always on. From school to social media, technology forms the backbone of interaction.

Generation Z is now leading the change in how learning takes place, acting as a driving force in the innovation of new learning tools, unlimited access to resources, and teaching styles. In the end, they find themselves headed in the direction of a more learner-centric and technology-fueled environment where they can choose their own path and become the directors of their own futures. This is where Generation Z learns about technology.