Confidence plays a crucial role in our day-to-day lives. When you boost your confidence, you can tackle challenges, express yourself better, and achieve your goals. But did you know that your physical health can have a significant impact on your confidence levels? Here we will explore seven health habits that will not only improve your overall health but also build your confidence. Let’s dive in!

1. Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and mind. Eating a variety of nutritious foods can help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your mood, and increase your energy levels. All these factors contribute to a more confident you. Here are some tips for a balanced diet:

  • Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables: Aim for at least five servings per day.
  • Choose whole grains: Opt for brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa instead of refined grains.
  • Prioritize lean proteins: Include fish, poultry, beans, and tofu in your meals.
  • Limit processed and sugary foods: These can cause energy crashes and mood swings.

2. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity is vital for boosting your confidence. Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, which help improve your mood and self-esteem. Additionally, regular exercise contributes to better sleep, increased energy levels, and weight management. To reap these benefits, aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week.

3. Adequate Sleep

Sleep is crucial for your mental and physical well-being and helps boost your confidence. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability, decreased concentration, and low energy levels, all of which can negatively impact your confidence. To ensure optimal sleep, follow these tips:

  • Establish a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Engage in calming activities like reading, meditation, or a warm bath before bedtime.
  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light from screens can interfere with your sleep.
  • Make your bedroom a sleep-friendly environment: Keep it dark, cool, and quiet.

4. Massage

Regular massages can help you relax, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle tension. All of these benefits contribute to a more confident and resilient you. You can opt for professional massages or try self-massage techniques to enjoy the benefits of massage therapy. Incorporating massage into your routine can enhance your overall well-being and improve your self-esteem.

5. Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can have a profound impact on your mental health and confidence levels. Mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment, allowing you to acknowledge and accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Meditation, on the other hand, helps reduce stress, improve focus, and promote self-awareness. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can develop a more positive and confident mindset.

6. Hydration

Proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being. Staying well-hydrated helps maintain your energy levels, supports brain function, and keeps your skin looking radiant. All these factors contribute to a confident and healthy you. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, and remember that your hydration needs may increase with exercise or hot weather.

7. Social Connections

Maintaining strong social connections can help boost your confidence. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can provide a sense of belonging and help you develop a more optimistic outlook on life. Engage in activities that foster social connections, such as joining clubs, volunteering, or participating in group sports. Building a support network can significantly improve

7 Health Habits to Boost Your Confidence

Adopting these seven health habits – a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, massage, mindfulness and meditation, proper hydration, and nurturing social connections – can significantly boost your confidence. By prioritizing your well-being, both physically and mentally, you’ll foster a more positive and resilient mindset. Embrace these habits to not only improve your overall health, but also to unlock your full potential and confidently face life’s challenges.

Brian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on about “Enterprise Use Cases Abound for Virtual Reality Solutions“.

…and when it comes to sales, business team, and customer meetings, virtual reality solutions “reduce costs of sending people off site with the overhead of travel expenses,” says Brian E. Thomas (@DivergentCIO), CTO of Coruzant Technologies.

Virtual reality solutions should now be in the CIO’s bag of tricks. There are many use cases for emerging technology to be leveraged and integrated into the enterprise. The CIO’s role has expanded and is looked to be part of the strategic vision and planning.

Since the pandemic, VR have doubled in use and proved many traditional jobs and tasks can now be completed or facilitated by this technology. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Training and Simulation: Virtual Reality can be used for employee training, for example in hazardous industries such as construction or manufacturing, allowing employees to practice dangerous procedures in a safe and controlled environment.
  2. Product Design and Prototyping: VR can be used to create interactive 3D models and prototypes, allowing designers and engineers to see how their products will look and function before they are physically built.
  3. Remote Collaboration: VR technology can be used to create virtual meeting rooms and collaboration spaces, allowing team members in different locations to work together in a shared virtual environment.
  4. Marketing and Sales: VR can be used to create immersive experiences that engage customers and prospects, showcasing products, services and environments in a highly interactive and memorable way.
  5. Therapy and Mental Health: VR can be used in healthcare to provide patients with exposure therapy, helping them to overcome phobias, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.
  6. Data Visualization: VR can be used to visualize and analyze complex data sets in 3D, allowing decision-makers to gain new insights and make informed decisions.

Brian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on about “Assessing the Value of Corporate Data“.

That said, “value” can be a vague concept, with meanings and measurements that vary considerably among different organizations. Chief Technology Officer Brian E. Thomas (@DivergentCIO), asks, for example, “Is the data valuable because it needs to be secured (via regulations such as HIPAA and PCI), or is it the highly rich consumer data that companies are striving to make business shifts based on purchasing trends?”

“Before you can determine value,” he adds, “you need to have structured and mature data governance and data analytics programs. That way there is a collaborative process for classifying and using that data based on its criteria.”

The value of corporate data cannot be overstated. In today’s business world, data has become the lifeblood of organizations, driving decision-making, shaping strategies, and informing operational processes. Companies that effectively harness their data are able to gain a competitive advantage and increase their bottom line.

Data is valuable because it provides organizations with a wealth of information about their operations, customers, and market trends. This information can be used to identify areas for improvement, optimize processes, and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. For example, companies can use customer data to better understand their target audience, develop targeted marketing campaigns, and improve customer satisfaction. Market data can be analyzed to gain insights into industry trends and emerging opportunities, allowing companies to stay ahead of the competition.

Data can also help organizations to improve efficiency and reduce costs. By analyzing operational data, companies can identify inefficiencies in their processes and find ways to streamline their operations. This can lead to significant cost savings, as well as improved productivity and competitiveness.

Moreover, data plays a crucial role in driving innovation. Companies that have access to a wealth of data can use it to identify new business opportunities, develop new products and services, and stay ahead of their competitors. The use of data-driven innovation has been shown to significantly increase revenue and drive growth in many industries.

In conclusion, the value of corporate data cannot be underestimated. It provides organizations with valuable insights into their operations, customers, and market trends, helping to drive decision-making, improve efficiency, and drive innovation. Companies that effectively leverage their data will have a significant competitive advantage and be better positioned for success in the future.

#BigData #DivergentCIO #DataValue #Data #ConsumerData #CTO #CIO official logo from IDGBrian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on about “AI’s Healthcare Promise Will Serve Patients – And More“.

“From early disease detection, improved patient safety, reduced or eliminated repeatable/mundane tasks and human errors, and more accurate medical billing, AI will play an expanding role in healthcare”, says Brian E. Thomas, Healthcare CIO. “Simply put, implementing a set of processes that combines both machines and humans will reap the most benefits.”

AI’s healthcare promise

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry and significantly improve patient outcomes. With its ability to process large amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI can help healthcare providers to make more informed decisions, improve patient care, and streamline operations.

One of the biggest promises of AI in healthcare is its ability to help diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and efficiently. With the vast amounts of patient data being generated every day, AI can analyze this information and identify patterns that may not be noticeable to the human eye. This can help healthcare providers to make more accurate diagnoses, predict potential health issues, and develop individualized treatment plans. AI can also help to identify patients who are at high risk of developing certain conditions and intervene early, reducing the likelihood of serious health problems.

Medical research

Another area where AI has the potential to significantly improve healthcare is in medical research and drug development. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data from clinical trials, medical literature, and patient records, identifying potential treatments and therapeutic targets. This can speed up the development of new drugs and treatments, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Moreover, AI’s healthcare promise will help to streamline administrative and operational tasks, freeing up time and resources for healthcare providers to focus on patient care. AI-powered chatbots, for example, can provide patients with 24/7 access to healthcare information and assist with scheduling appointments, while automating administrative tasks such as appointment scheduling, claims processing, and record-keeping can reduce errors and increase efficiency.


The potential of AI in healthcare is vast and holds tremendous promise for improving patient outcomes. From improving diagnoses and treatments to streamlining operations, AI has the potential to transform healthcare delivery and provide patients with better, more accessible, and more personalized care. It’s important that healthcare providers embrace this technology and work to harness its potential for the benefit of patients everywhere. And so, AI’s healthcare promise will serve patients.

Official BMC Helix logo as part of CIO.comBrian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on BMC Felix about “A Single Point of Control: How IT Leaders are Advocating for Automation Platforms“.

“Accelerated detection and remediation are the results of incorporating emerging technologies into the automated platform”, says Brian Thomas (@DivergentCIO), CTO of Coruzant Technologies.

“Cybersecurity products have been and are increasingly incorporating more AI technology into their platforms and appliances, due to the sheer number of daily attacks on company networks,” he says. “Utilizing AI technology, these tools not only can learn over time, but they have the ability to immediately detect, alert, and disable threats on the spot — even if it is something that it is not familiar with or has ever seen.”

Automation platforms

Automation platforms are rapidly gaining popularity among CIOs, who are advocating for their implementation in the workplace. These platforms offer a range of benefits, including improved efficiency, increased productivity, and reduced costs. As such, it is no surprise that CIOs are increasingly pushing for their adoption.

One of the key advantages of automation platforms is their ability to streamline processes and eliminate repetitive manual tasks. By automating routine and time-consuming tasks, companies can free up valuable time and resources for more strategic initiatives. Additionally, automation platforms are designed to minimize the risk of human error, leading to increased accuracy and reliability in operations.

Another major benefit of automation platforms is their ability to increase productivity and efficiency. Automated processes are typically faster and more accurate than manual ones, reducing the amount of time spent on routine tasks and freeing up staff to focus on more valuable activities. In addition, automation systems can integrate with existing systems and applications, providing a seamless and efficient work environment.

Additionally, CIOs are advocating for these platforms due to the cost savings they can deliver. Automation eliminates the need for manual labor, reducing labor costs and freeing up resources for other initiatives. Furthermore, automation platforms can reduce the risk of errors and improve overall efficiency, reducing the need for rework and additional expenses.


CIOs are increasingly advocating for the implementation of automation platforms in the workplace. These platforms offer a range of benefits, including improved efficiency, increased productivity, and reduced costs, making them an attractive option for organizations looking to improve their operations. As automation continues to gain popularity, CIOs will play a critical role in promoting its adoption and helping organizations to realize its full potential. official logo from IDGBrian was recently featured in a crowd-sourced article on about “Navigating a Data-Driven Culture“.

“CIOs that have demonstrated strong leadership and who can draw from robust interpersonal skills to build and nurture relationships will be instrumental in influencing and orchestrating such cultural change”, says Brian E. Thomas (@DivergentCIO), CIO. “To drive the culture shift, CIOs need to play a significant role in bridging the gaps in technology fluency with business objectives.”

In today’s digital world, data is king. Companies are increasingly relying on data to inform their decisions, shape their strategies, and drive growth. As a result, a data-driven culture has become essential for organizations looking to stay ahead of the competition. But how can companies effectively navigate this data-driven culture and harness its potential?

Data-driven culture

First and foremost, companies need to prioritize data quality. Data is only valuable if it is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. Companies must therefore invest in the tools and processes necessary to ensure the accuracy of their data, and regularly assess and improve the quality of their data sources.

Second, companies must embrace a data-driven mindset and make data-driven decision-making a core part of their culture. This requires a change in mindset and a willingness to embrace data-driven insights, even when they challenge established beliefs or practices. Encouraging data literacy and training employees on how to use data to inform their decisions will also be crucial in promoting a this type of culture.

Third, companies must ensure that they have the right technology and infrastructure in place to effectively harness and analyze their data. This includes investing in data storage and management systems, data visualization tools, and machine learning algorithms. It’s also important to ensure that the right data is being captured and analyzed, so that insights can be generated and used to inform decision-making.

Finally, companies must promote a culture of collaboration and data sharing. Data silos can limit the potential of information-driven insights, so it’s important to encourage open communication and cross-functional collaboration to ensure that data is shared and used effectively.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, a data-driven culture is critical for organizations looking to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their goals. By prioritizing data quality, embracing a data-driven mindset, investing in the right technology and infrastructure, and promoting a culture of collaboration and data sharing, companies can effectively navigate this data-driven culture and unlock its full potential.

Brian was featured in a crowd-sourced whitepaper on Harvard Business Review about “The Power of Predictive IT“.

As soon as you can employ automated tools to do work humans were doing, there’s a huge increase in the time the resources get back to work on strategies to strengthen your operations environment”, says Brian Thomas (@DivergentCIO), CTO of Coruzant Technologies.

Reliability and uptime are critical components of any successful business operation, but all too often, outages and downtime can have a negative impact on productivity, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, the bottom line. In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s essential to have a comprehensive strategy in place to ensure the reliability of your systems and prevent outages. Here are some steps organizations can take to improve reliability and prevent outages across the enterprise, leveraging the power of predictive IT:

  1. Perform Regular Maintenance and Upgrades: Regular maintenance and upgrades to hardware and software systems can help to prevent outages and improve reliability. This includes tasks such as patching, software upgrades, and hardware replacements.
  2. Implement a Disaster Recovery Plan: A disaster recovery plan is a critical component of any reliability strategy. The plan should outline procedures for data backup, system restoration, and communication in the event of an outage. Regular testing of the plan is also important to ensure its effectiveness.
  3. Monitor Systems and Applications: Monitoring systems and applications in real-time can help to identify potential problems before they become outages. This can be done using tools such as log analysis, system performance monitoring, and network monitoring.
  4. Implement Redundancy and High Availability: Redundancy and high availability solutions can help to ensure that critical systems and applications are always available, even in the event of an outage. This includes solutions such as failover clustering, load balancing, and disaster recovery solutions.
  5. Train Employees: Employee training is also an important component of any reliability strategy. Employees should be trained on proper maintenance procedures, as well as on disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
  6. Partner with a Managed Services Provider: A managed services provider can provide expertise, support, and resources to help ensure the reliability of your systems and prevent outages. This can include proactive monitoring, incident response, and remediation services.

Improving reliability and preventing outages requires a comprehensive approach that includes regular maintenance and upgrades, disaster recovery planning, monitoring, redundancy and high availability solutions, employee training, and partnering with a managed services provider. By taking these steps, organizations can improve their overall reliability and minimize the impact of outages on their operations and bottom line. This is the power of predictive IT.

Kansas City IT Symposium logoBrian Thomas participated and spoke as a panelist on the session with key note speaker, Peter High on “The Path to CIO – How to Go From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be” at the Kansas City IT Symposium in 2017. Brian shared his real-world experience on growing his career by building his brand through social media, speaking events, mentoring junior leaders, and volunteering for boards.

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The CEO of a company has historically been the driving force in overall strategy and vision. Same goes for all types of leadership, from CIOs to CFOs…all play an important role in advancing a company forward. The key here is “forward.” While the person in this position is important for a particular point in time, this role is static — a snapshot, if you will, of an organization’s success or failure at a fixed point in time. What’s most important is enduring business performance that stems from leadership culture as well as deliberate, well-thought-out development of leadership at every level.

The CEO Strategy

No one’s doubting the CEO’s role. However, research shows that the level of a particular company’s maturity in their leadership development has a far greater influence on their long-term performance than anything else, including individuals who fill the role of CEO, CFO or even CIO. So how do strong companies with an eye on the future choose CIOs, not just for their individual skill sets, but who will advance the company culture of success to endure in the future long after they’re gone?

  • They link leadership strategy to business strategy.
  • They make sure their leaders are aligned, coached, and trained in the company vision.
  • They build leadership development programs and select professionals based on their ability to drive the company’s strategy.
  • They incorporate leadership qualities into the corporate culture at all levels: managers, supervisors, etc.
  • They develop leaders from the bottom up.
  • They invest a lot of money in leadership development through training, seminars and workshops.
  • They create their own unique leadership model based on research, rather than hire a consultant or adopt an existing model.

Leadership endures, and is built right into the very core of a company. That way, when a CEO leaves and a new one takes over, the strategy is already lined up, waiting for continued implementation. Of course, every leader brings his or her own unique spins to the strategy, but the bones should be solid and built to last the test of time. CEOs are there to adopt the leadership culture, make changes as needed, and weed out areas of complacency. Their job is to be the catalyst behind a culture of working as one to perpetuate the goals of the organization. That means fostering teamwork and holding people accountable no matter which level they happen to be at.

Leadership and Technology

Technology is one important sub-set of a company’s success. Without proper management across the board and over time, it can be difficult to drive effective change that lasts. When it comes specifically to CIO leadership as it pertains to technology to drive a company forward, the same principle applies. Strategies that ensure enduring long-term performance despite who’s sitting in the CIO seat include:

  • Clear definitions of requirements
  • Consultation with all team members on goals
  • Creation of specific and measurable goals
  • Regular tracking of progress

CIO recommends using the SMART acronym when setting goals for the long term designed to transcend individual leaders:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time bound

Leadership Endures

In short, the success or failure of a company has more to do with strategy and vision for its long-term success than the individual. Clearly, there are innovative CEOs that propel a company to greatness, and then there are some very bad CEOs that damage that vision and set back the corporate culture; some companies bounce back from that and some don’t. The key is to establish a leadership strategy that can stay the course throughout the decades and that can weather any storm that may blow in. Good leadership endures the change of leaders.


Richtopia Top 100 CIO

Richtopia has named Brian Thomas to the list of the Top 100 Most Influential Information Technology Officers in the World, or Top 100 Global CIOs.  Brian placed #43 on the list.  The full article has been archived, but you could read the full article here.

Brian has been featured in several other prominent publications and magazines. He’s contributed dozens of articles and white papers to many top-tier platforms.

Richtopia is an international effort to establish a more prosperous and sustainable world in which all people are rich in knowledge, resources, and possibilities. This includes featuring some of the top influencers in the world, such as the esteemed Top 100 Global CIOs.

Richtopia, was founded by Derin Cag in 2015, and is a portmanteau of the words ‘Rich’ and ‘Utopia’; a universal information movement to build a world where all people are rich in knowledge, resources, and opportunities.

In 1776, the Father of Capitalism, Adam Smith, wrote:

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.

Derin built the Richtopian vision through quality information and strategic partnerships.

Fellow Richtopians can find new insights on leadership, innovation, and technology, as well as the Top 100 Global CIOs.

Richtopia is a leading publisher of contributions from prominent academics and professionals discussing unique insights on leadership, technology, and marketing.

We are at the forefront of publishing in-depth interviews with leading experts and top 100 lists based on the digital impact of people making a difference.

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