keynote addressBrian Thomas was the keynote speaker at the Johnson County Community College for the 2015 Heath Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Workforce Summit.  His 45-minute presentation covered current workforce trends and future of the Health Information Technology.

About Greater KC HIMSS

Representing Eastern Kansas and Western Missouri, the HIMSS Greater Kansas City Chapter provides a place for HIMSS members to play an active role in improving the future of healthcare through connection, collaboration and learning.  The Chapter creates spaces to connect seasoned professionals, emerging leaders and students to create positive change in healthcare; connect, collaborate and learn; and be at the forefront of the latest healthcare news and trends. They would be delighted to have you join them!

Members represent hospitals of all sizes, managed care organizations, integrated delivery systems, non-profit healthcare organizations, as well organizations who provide solutions for the many challenges that exist in healthcare.

Each year their membership and board organize several programs involving speakers and experts on a variety of topics.

Keynote Speaker Opportunities

If you are interested in becoming a Greater Kansas City chapter member, you can join here. If you are a current Chapter Member and you haven’t been receiving our e-mail newsletters or event information, or your e-mail address has changed, please update your HIMSS member profile or contact us at

I look forward to seeing you, either virtually or in person, at a future event!